What You Need To Wear To Your Aquatic Therapy Session

Health & Medical Blog

When you engage in aquatic therapy, you don't just need a can do mentality. You also need the right gear. The bathing suit, footwear and post therapy clothing you bring along will have an effect on your ability to engage in the session as well as your comfort after the session has ended. Here are some tips to help you prepare.  

Bathing Suit

When choosing a bathing suit for your aquatic therapy session, remember that you aren't prepping for a day at the beach or pool. Fashionable suits or two-piece bathing suits should be avoided for your session. These types of suits aren't suited for the level of movement necessary to complete your session and will likely only cause you to be uncomfortable.

Choose a full-coverage suit, such as a sport swimsuit or knee-length swim trunks. Avoid loose fitting swimwear as it can easily get snagged on other objects and deter the progress of your therapy session.


It might be a good idea to consider wearing water shoes during your session as they can help improve your comfort and traction. If your injury has impacted your stability, greater traction can increase your balance and give you more control as you move about through the water.

When looking for shoes, try to find options that are designed with EVA foam because of its low water absorption qualities, which will help the shoe dry faster and eliminate the risk of fungus or mildew developing in the shoe. If you can't find this, a water shoe with mid-sole venting can offer the same benefit.

Post Session Wear

You also want to pay attention to the type of clothing you wear after your treatment. This factor is especially important for those that have just begun therapy or have sustained injuries that greatly affect their mobility. When choosing post session wear, easiness should be the greatest factor.

After your session you may be fatigued or even sore from the exercises performed. Avoid bringing post session wear that is tight-fitting or that is difficult to put on. A loose fitting jogging suit or tracksuit are ideal solutions. You also want to choose shoes that you can easily slip into to avoid having to bend over and put on your shoes.

The more prepared you are for your aquatic therapy session, the greater the chances of success are for the treatment. Make sure you are thoroughly prepared for your advanced physical therapy session.  


14 January 2016

Seniors Deserve the Best

Seniors are like any other specialized group of people. They need services specific to their needs. Everything from nutrition to housekeeping to travel is different for seniors, and the services they receive should reflect that. I am a mental health care provider, and I work exclusively with people over the age of 65. My goal is to help educate the general population about the special needs of seniors and to inspire people to make their homes, businesses and lives more acceptable to the older generations. Seniors deserve our care and attention, and I hope that I can show others how to provide it.