Dealing With Your Child's Pediatric Asthma: Current And Future Treatment Options

Health & Medical Blog

When you have a child that has been diagnosed with pediatric asthma, you may find yourself wondering what you can do to help them to get their breathing troubles under control and continue to live a full and happy life. There are many ways to treat pediatric asthma as well as many new and developing treatments that researchers and doctors are working on to better help children cope with and overcome their asthma symptoms. Get to know more about these current and future asthma treatments so that you can better provide your child with the care and support they need.

Daily Maintenance Prescription Inhalation Aerosol

Pediatric asthma often causes severe breathing symptoms in the children who suffer from it. While adults can more easily identify early signs of an oncoming asthma attack and act accordingly, children often miss those signs and are already in the midst of a serious asthma attack by the time they realize what is happening.

This can make treating their asthma difficult when only treating asthma attacks as they occur. Additionally, if your child has frequent asthma attacks, they may need maintenance therapy through the use of prescription inhalation aerosols, such as Aerospan RX. These are medications commonly known as inhalers.

Your child will press down on the device and breathe in the medication, holding it in their lungs for as long as possible before exhaling. Generally, maintenance inhalers are used twice a day (in the morning and evening). If your child suffers an asthma attack throughout the day, they will also be able to use an emergency inhaler (usually a different asthma medication).

New Wearable System to Track Symptoms

Another up-and-coming treatment option for asthma that can help your child with their symptoms is a wearable monitoring system. Your child would wear a small and unassuming tracker wherever they go, whether they are playing in the park or going to school.

That monitoring system would keep track of their breathing rate, blood oxygen levels, pulse rate, and the like to determine the times of day, places, and activities that may be triggering their asthma attacks. All of this information could then be used to help your child learn what situations to avoid, how to better track their own behaviors, and realize their asthma triggers so that they can take better control of their health.

The idea behind the monitoring system is to provide better preventive care for both children and adults that suffer from asthma. However, it is particularly effective when it comes to children as they have a more difficult time monitoring their own behaviors and putting the pieces together to determine what triggers their asthma attacks.

Now that you know a few of the treatment options for your child's pediatric asthma, you can be sure that you get them the care that they need to manage their symptoms now and into the future.


14 June 2016

Seniors Deserve the Best

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