Quietly Kept Secrets That Could Be Signs Of A Body Ravaged By Alcohol Abuse


Do you have concerns about your alcohol use? Perhaps your concerns are related to changes in your drinking behavior such as increased consumption. You may have even experienced some strange happenings recently that have prompted you to take a serious look at drinking and how it affects you. You likely know some of the well-known signs associated with excessive drinking or alcoholism such as blackouts, but for many people, there are other concerning events that they experience in private that cause them significant worry. 


Some people may think that nosebleeds for individuals with alcohol dependency issues likely happen due to a violent brawl, blackout, or if a person has a history of nosebleeds. However, alcohol can take a toll on the body in many ways. If you have unexplained nosebleeds after a bout of heavy drinking, it could be the result of the alcohol thinning your blood and inhibiting it from clotting or causing fluctuations in your blood pressure

Skin Bruises

Perhaps you frequently get bruises. Some of them may happen from light impact bumps, and you may have even come to the conclusion that you bruise easily. But the blood thinning characteristic of alcohol could be the culprit for the easy bruising. Alcohol may also cause Vitamin C deficiency, and this vitamin is essential for healthy skin and blood vessels to be able to withstand impact. 

Dental Problems

Some people who abuse alcohol may have poor oral hygiene habits, but some may brush, floss, get cleanings and still suffer from tooth decay. This is because people who are chemically dependent on alcohol have higher plaque levels, and they are three times as likely to suffer from permanent tooth loss. Keep in mind that alcoholic drinks are acidic, and some people mix their drinks with other acidic options such as sodas or lemon wedges, which can damage tooth enamel. You should also be mindful of bleeding gums, which could be a sign of gum disease. If you frequently have nausea and vomiting episodes after drinking, the stomach acid could also damage tooth enamel.

Digestive Issues

Individuals with alcohol dependence or abuse issues may skip meals and imbibe themselves with their favorite alcoholic beverages. They may state that they are not hungry because of the psychological effects of craving alcoholic beverages. Excessive alcohol consumption may cause diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps, and flatulence. You may even experience times when you have partially digested food in your bowel movements. This is a sign that alcohol may be inhibiting your absorption.

If you are secretly fearful about your use of alcohol, a chemical dependency counselor or websites like http://www.olalla.org are good resources to use. They can offer solutions to help you stop drinking. If you enter into an inpatient treatment program, they will likely refer you for a physical examination with a doctor to determine how alcohol may be deteriorating your health.


21 July 2016

Seniors Deserve the Best

Seniors are like any other specialized group of people. They need services specific to their needs. Everything from nutrition to housekeeping to travel is different for seniors, and the services they receive should reflect that. I am a mental health care provider, and I work exclusively with people over the age of 65. My goal is to help educate the general population about the special needs of seniors and to inspire people to make their homes, businesses and lives more acceptable to the older generations. Seniors deserve our care and attention, and I hope that I can show others how to provide it.