Is Winter Weather Hurting Your Hands? Check For Atopic Dermatitis

Health & Medical Blog

While it's normal for people's hands to dry out and become itchy in the winter due to less moisture in the air, severe scaling and rashes on the skin could be linked to atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, a chronic skin condition where skin can become red and itchy. While it can flare up at any time, winter weather can certainly exacerbate the condition. Read on to learn more about eczema, why you might have it, and how to treat it.

30 November 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Punctal Plugs For The Management Of Autoimmune Dry Eye

Health & Medical Blog

Do you have chronic dry eye caused by an autoimmune condition such as Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus? There are a number of treatment options, many of which come in the form of eye drops or oral medications. However, there is one treatment option that is not an oral preparation or eye drop: punctal plugs. Punctal plugs are little pieces of silicone that slip into your tear ducts. By taking up space in the tear duct, they greatly reduce the number of tears that can be reabsorbed into your tear duct.

30 October 2020

Understanding Your Final Breast Size After Augmentation

Health & Medical Blog

While making decisions about your breast augmentation, one of the most basic and important questions you will be asked is, "What are your goals?" While you may have many emotional goals, such as feeling better about your body, you should also have concrete physical goals regarding the final shape and size of your breasts after augmentation. Getting the correct implant size will involve conversations and testing of various sizes before you and your surgeon settle on the best size for you.

1 October 2020

Ways Physical Therapists Help With Balance Disorders In Aging Individuals

Health & Medical Blog

Aging is a process that takes many by surprise and can cause many health issues that can be a major challenge. Unfortunately, balance problems are often chief among these issues. People who lose their balance are more likely to fall down and hurt themselves, particularly if they live alone and are trying to age in place. Thankfully, physical therapy can help with this issue and keep a person safe. Balance Disorders Are Upsetting

25 August 2020

Keeping Your CPAP Machine Clean And Well Maintained


Sleep apnea is a condition that affects more than 100 million people worldwide. This sort of condition is one that needs to be monitored and treated with regularity so that you can live a healthy and productive life and sleep soundly through the night. With this in mind, a number of people that live with sleep apnea make use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy and have machines in their homes that they use on a regular basis.

16 December 2019

How Brain Health Therapy Helps Sports Writers

Health & Medical Blog

Sports writers rely on a variety of different mental aspects to ensure that they get their stories right. For example, they need a high-quality memory that can recall details to make their stories more relatable. However, memory loss related to nutritional deficiencies may make their career more difficult. Thankfully, various types of therapy can help with this problem. Memory Loss Can Be a Painful Problem As people age, their memory may struggle to remember things that were once so easy to bring up.

17 October 2019

Help Your Teenager Overcome Self-Mutilation And Negative Feelings

Health & Medical Blog

Self-mutilation can be a sign of depression, anxiety, or grief. Going through some difficult times can bring on a range of emotions that can be hard for your teenager to process. If the school counselor has called you to discuss an incident that resulted in your teenager getting upset and exhibiting signs of harming yourself, it is time to take action before the situation progresses and results in tragic circumstances.

24 September 2019