
Help Your Teenager Overcome Self-Mutilation And Negative Feelings

Health & Medical Blog

Self-mutilation can be a sign of depression, anxiety, or grief. Going through some difficult times can bring on a range of emotions that can be hard for your teenager to process. If the school counselor has called you to discuss an incident that resulted in your teenager getting upset and exhibiting signs of harming yourself, it is time to take action before the situation progresses and results in tragic circumstances.

24 September 2019

3 Specialists For Your Child With Cerebral Palsy

Health & Medical Blog

According to the most recent statistics, about 500,000 children in the United States have cerebral palsy. This non-progressive neurological disorder is usually the result of a loss of oxygen to the brain either before, during, or shortly after birth. Babies born prematurely are especially susceptible to having cerebral palsy. There are many different forms of cerebral palsy, and some are much more severe than others. For children who have monoplegia, only one of their limbs is affected.

23 July 2019

Lip Augmentation Aftercare Tips

Health & Medical Blog

Lip injections, or lip fillers, are a safe, convenient way to achieve the plump, natural-looking lips and smile you've always wanted. Dermal fillers are injected into the lips in a matter of minutes in the comfort of your doctor's office. The chance of side effects is minimal, especially when you care for your lips properly after your appointment. Here are a few simple tips to help you properly care for your lips after your appointment.

18 June 2019

Things You Should Know About Stinging Insect Allergy And Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

You and millions of other people look forward to warm weather when you can engage in various types of outdoor activities. Unfortunately, stinging insects look forward to the warm weather too, and those stings can be painful, especially when they cause an allergic reaction. Most insect stings do not cause a reaction, but you could suffer a serious reaction. An allergic reaction to stinging insects causes a remarkable number of deaths each year in America.

10 May 2019

Preventing Hair Loss In Men: What Can Be Done

Health & Medical Blog

If you're beginning to notice your hairline receding, you aren't seeing things - your hairline is probably receding. A receding hairline or thinning hair at the crown can be something you may be self-conscious about. To help prevent losing more of your hair there are things you can do. Read on for tips that can help prevent hair further hair loss. Skip Hats Wearing hats may make you feel better about your hairline, but all you're doing is covering up your thinning hair, but could also be losing more due to the hats.

9 April 2019

Your Teenager's Asthma: What To Do

Health & Medical Blog

If your teenager's doctor has just informed you that they have asthma, feelings may be swirling in your mind. You may feel profound relief because you understand what's been troubling your teenager, but become scared about their ability to manage it. How can you support your teenager as they adjust to their asthma? Tell People Most teenagers like to remain private about their personal health issues. Your own teenager might be adamant that no one find out and that everyone treat them "

7 January 2019

MCAT Tutors Can Help Brilliant Students With Dyslexia Succeed

Health & Medical Blog

You are ready to take your MCAT and start your medical career but are feeling very concerned about your ability to study because of your dyslexia. Thankfully, getting an MCAT tutor can help you get through your studying and succeed on this vital test. Dyslexia Can Challenge Your MCAT Success Individuals with dyslexia struggle to read properly and may even have difficulty retaining written information. However, you've found ways to study that work for you and have become a brilliant student with a promising career in any field you choose.

4 December 2018

Can Exercise Help Your ED Issue?

Health & Medical Blog

If you are having serious erectile dysfunction issues, then it may be time to speak with your doctor about a medication that can help. However, if your condition is more on the mild side or if you have just started to experience issues, then you may be able to improve your ED problem through exercise. Keep reading to learn how this can be helpful and also to understand the types of exercises that you should do.

18 October 2018

Three Ways To Help Prevent Your Jaw From Locking When You Have TMJ

Health & Medical Blog

Temporomandibular joint disorder is a difficult condition to have. In addition to the pain and stiffness that the jaw can undergo, some people experience jaw locking. When jaw locking occurs, you can't open your mouth or can only open it the tiniest bit. This situation is typically painful and frightening. If you've had your jaw lock before or simply want to avoid it ever happening at all, give these tips a try.

19 September 2018

Has Your Child Suffered A Traumatic Brain Injury? How To Aid In At-Home Recovery

Health & Medical Blog

If your child is recovering from a traumatic brain injury, they're going to be dealing with the aftermath for many years, and so will you. Knowing that your child is going to be released from the hospital following their traumatic brain injury is exciting. It can also be stressful and worrisome, especially when you realize that there won't be a complete medical staff available to help keep your child safe. Here are some simple tips that will help you help your child while they adjust to life after their injury.

26 July 2018