
Managing Social Anxiety With A Medical Cannabis Doctor

Health & Medical Blog

Social anxiety affects many people and can make it hard for those with this condition to feel comfortable around others. Unfortunately, this can affect their social and work life and make it hard for them to progress. Thankfully, working with a medical marijuana doctor may make this process easier and give them the help they need to interact with other people better. How a Medical Marijuana Doctor Can Help With Social Anxiety

23 March 2022

EO Device Sterilization Helps Keep Hospital Employees Safe

Health & Medical Blog

Hospitals need to provide high-quality sterilization to protect their patients and minimize the spread of diseases. But what about doctors, nurses, and other employees working at a health facility? They, too, need protection, particularly when handling various equipment. Thankfully, ethylene oxide, or EO, sterilization may help hospital workers and ensure they don't experience any health issues. How EO Sterilization Protects Hospital Workers  The FDA recommends EO sterilization on all devices and appliances within a hospital, including any surgical devices used regularly for treating various health issues.

18 February 2022

A Pill That Has Been Designed To Protect Against HIV

Health & Medical Blog

White blood cells that fight infection are targeted during the transmission of HIV. An HIV prevention pill is a type of medication that can fortify cells and prevent the spreading of HIV. Pills will need to be acquired through a healthcare agency and should be taken exactly as directed. A Prevention Scenario An HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) prevention pill is an oral capsule that should be taken prior to having sex or participating in injection drug use.

20 December 2021

Visiting A Pain Management Clinic? Tips For That First Appointment

Health & Medical Blog

Living with chronic pain can make life challenging at best and miserable at worst. If you've been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, your doctor may have referred you to a local pain clinic for treatment and pain management. For those who have never been to a pain clinic before, it can be a challenge to figure out what to expect. Here's a look at a few tips to help you prepare for that first pain clinic appointment.

20 December 2021

Photobiomodulation Treatments: Everything You Need To Know

Health & Medical Blog

Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) uses infrared lasers, red lasers, and other types of light absorbed by biological tissues to elicit a therapeutic response. It is an alternative physical therapy that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to remedy or heal different types of illnesses. When exposed to different frequencies of light, these LEDs release different wavelengths that serve as antioxidants, helping in mitigating tissue inflammation. They are also responsible for activating ATP production, which is responsible for cell growth, recovery, and proliferation.

17 November 2021

FAQs About Chlamydia Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

Learning that you have chlamydia can be a little scary at first. You're probably not excited to have to tell your partners you've been diagnosed. But at the same time, it's nice to know chlamydia is very treatable. The more you learn about the treatment, the more confident you'll feel. So, take a look at these FAQs about chlamydia treatment. 1. What medications will you need to take? Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, so like most bacterial infections, it can be treated with antibiotics.

19 October 2021

What You Need To Know About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Health & Medical Blog

The human body manages its own hormone levels naturally, but as a person ages or if a person becomes sick with specific illnesses, the body may no longer be able to properly regulate these hormone levels. A drop in imbalance in the levels of certain hormones, like estrogen or testosterone, could cause other health issues or complicate a current condition. Here's what you need to know about bioidentical hormone replacement and how it might be able to restore order in your body and ease some of your symptoms or problems.

20 September 2021

They Say Honesty Is The Best Policy, But That's Not Always Possible — How A Counselor Can Help

Health & Medical Blog

Trust is one of the most important things to have in any relationship. It should go without saying that it's difficult to trust someone who is unable to tell the truth. While some people may lie occasionally for various reasons, such as trying to avoid hurting someone's feelings or out of embarrassment, there are people who lie habitually and others who fabricate memories.  What many people don't realize, however, is that some mental health conditions can contribute to lying and/or falsification.

23 August 2021

Top Tips When Choosing a Laboratory

Health & Medical Blog

Medical laboratories are an integral component in healthcare delivery systems. Primarily, laboratories are important in the surveillance, prevention, and control of diseases. Essentially, laboratory services help in examining specimens and analyzing test results to identify disease causative agents. As such, selecting a laboratory is a critical decision for health outcomes. The following factors are important when choosing clinical laboratory services. Accreditation and Specialists Accreditation is the most important consideration for a laboratory.

22 July 2021

FAQ About Allergy Tests

Health & Medical Blog

What types of triggers can allergy tests identify? How do doctors test for allergies? What do the test results mean? You have questions—and now you need answers. Whether you have a suspected food allergy, skin sensitivity, or another issue, take a look at the most common testing questions answered. Is This Type of Testing Necessary? You think you have an allergy. But it doesn't seem like a major problem right now.

17 June 2021