3 Tips For Keeping Your Spirits Up During Cancer Treatments

Health & Medical Blog

Everyone knows that going through cancer treatments can be difficult. Many cancer patients report that chemo is not only physically taxing, but emotionally hard as well. This is why it is so important that you find ways to keep your spirits up, and your body strong during chemo. Here are a couple tips for helping with your cancer treatments. 1. Take A Friend Each time you go into a session of chemo, you should take a family member or friend.

23 March 2015

3 Ways To Reduce Pain Without Taking Pain-Relief Medications

Health & Medical Blog

While pain medication can be helpful in bringing down swelling and reducing intense pain following an injury, not all people want to remain on pain medications for long-term pain management. Here are three ways to reduce your back pain naturally, giving your body time to heal without the need for additional drugs.  Exercise for Pain Relief While it may feel counter-intuitive to exercise when you're in pain, it can be a great help in reducing pain and helping the body heal.

6 March 2015

Dental Contouring Vs. Porcelain Veneers: Which Is Best for You?

Health & Medical Blog

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile and have thus begun exploring your options for cosmetic dentistry? If so, then you've likely discovered that there are dozens of cosmetic dentistry procedures available to correct anything from missing teeth to chipped teeth and everything in between. If you're one of many people who is disappointed with the shape of your teeth, then either dental contouring or porcelain veneers might be right for you.

25 February 2015

Keeping Your Family Healthy: Hidden Dangers Of Radon Your Home


When it comes to your home, a priority is making it a safe and healthy environment for you and your family. With this in mind, you do your best to keep your home environment clean. And while you may do a good job at accomplishing this task, you may be missing one of the possible hidden dangers in your home that could cause your family serious health problems. That potential danger is radon.

13 February 2015

Identify & Treat Sleep Apnea With The Right Foods


A good night's sleep is an important part of your overall health, as it is associated with several things like your mental and skin health. But your sleep can be interrupted if you are suffering from sleep apnea. The following guide will help you identify and possibly deal with this dangerous issue.  Identify Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is a problem that interrupts your breathing as you sleep. During this time, your body relaxes the muscles around your throat to allow an ample amount of air into your lungs.

7 February 2015

Guiding Your Child Through Neurological Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

If you have been referred to a neurologist, such as Hamza; Mohsen MD, for your child's treatment or for further testing, this can be a stressful time. Your child is likely to be scared and worried as well, and it is up to you as a parent to help them through the process. Here are four ways to ease stress for a child needing neurological services and treatment. 1. Tackling the Process Together

4 February 2015

3 Ways Parents Can Help Children With A Mental Disability


Having a child suffer from a mental disability can be very challenging for a parent. You must be on the lookout every moment to make sure that your child is happy and safe. It can be exhausting for many parents, however there is hope. If you have a child with a mental disability there are some things that you can do to help the child. Here are some things that you should do.

30 January 2015

Five Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Back


One orthopedic surgeon estimated that eighty percent of of Americans will experience low back pain during their lives. One of the things you can do to minimize your chances of having back pain (or lessen it if you do have it) is to strengthen and stretch your back muscles. Many people spend large portions of their day sitting and standing, both of which can strain your back. Here are five exercises you can start doing every day to help your back.

28 January 2015

How To Take Care Of Your Feet When You Have Arthritis


When you have arthritis, you may experience a lot of pain and discomfort in your feet. Different parts of your feet can cause you discomfort while walking or standing, including the heel, ball of your foot, ankle or toes. Here are some different ways to take care of your feet if you have arthritis to lessen the discomfort you experience. Get Proper Circulation Your feet always need circulation, but especially when you have arthritis.

26 January 2015

Coping With Lateral Ankle Pain


If you experience constant feelings of "wobbliness", soreness, swelling, or tenderness  in your ankles, you may have a condition known as lateral ankle pain. This condition can cause you to suffer from sprains much more frequently than someone without the condition. It can also be uncomfortable and make walking and doing other activities much more difficult.  Causes There can be many different causes for lateral ankle pain. If you have had an ankle injury in the past, the nerves may have become torn or stretched.

23 January 2015